Wednesday, September 22, 2010

AfterL.A./Highways: Northwest DAIPANbutohWAVE !!!

Key activities are this: linking butoh scenes in NW (Seattle VanCouver Portland) plus Boulder. Linking “underground” with major players (Sankai Juku, to a smaller extent Degenerate Art Ensemble). Groundbreaking art. Pushing the edge. Setting the stage for potential next world art force movement a post-butoh based on subconscious dream of American continent starting where things are the freshest, boldest, but darkest… (have been developing underground deeply, ready to emerge, converge)

Key events are: Daipan presenting doing workshop with Katsura Kan, Daipan performing with Katsura Kan, Daipan putting fliers by permission and having a booth at Sankai Juku show in Seattle, following with two nights’ COMING OUT/”AGOGO” EVENT at Velocity, site for modern art, supposedly very cutting edge, but really often rather tame in comparison to butoh… (site recent Velocity kickoff where two Japanese- butoh-inspired artists Yukio Suzuki and Zan Yamashta were , hands down, some of the truly most unique, inspiring presenters there)… opening up to new voices not only in the world out there but right here… the unseen needs voice. We all grow deeper. More consciousness more development of progress faster better. Break the suburban blasé parading as pushing the edge art but really way too comfortable. Art making us uncomfortable SO WE CAN GROW.

Butoh artists barely ever get funded. We can help the Modern dance community grow, as well as open up acceptance awareness in the general community (so many butoh dancers became dancers after seeing it, finally finding access to voice)

Healthy aspects. Good for not only art but therapy. Spiritual, political, environmental, psychological, wholistic expansion.

What is the new frontier? The world of within and how it connects to the “outside”

Questioning what it means to be a human as we advance to next millennium - couldn’t be more appropriate time to reflect before we progress to the next stage in this Mayan Incan foretold time of deep change.

Buenos Aires Reflections

What did I learn tonight (first class, Buenos Aires Argentina)?

26 participants, almost too much. Maybe 23 better max. or 20…

That natural, neutral, and normal are all distinctions worth questioning their meaning and significance on the stage. What is it to be empty absent negative potential?

I think neutral includes more positive energy but not too much – a kind of courage, determination, present, open searching.

Walking yes point clarification: r heel l wrist r elbow, l heel r writst l elbow… keep flowing! Determined but relaxed.

Me personally: relax my shoulders and liberate my neck,

Plug spoke to me: energize yourself here. In Argentina, in butoh work. Latter esp. and in this context especially. In L.A. I said I am looking for my butoh and how it can help the world. Here I said I am looking for the health of our continents (N. and S. Americas, via butoh chakra connection weaving.)

I also learned the power of the vertical alignment, the beauty of the graceful feet, the difference of the atmosphere quality of natural, the loveliness of harmonious movement, how important it is to be connected to the earth and the zenith and your CENTER. And how Argentinian people can grow very quickly- they are raw, refined, young but deeply rooted and ready to grow quickly. They are the potential springboard of democracy, viewing each other with discernment, but acceptance that almost visibly grows out of itself multiple times during one class.

Tomorrow- more walking, and wind.

We stretched each other, carried each other, stretched, explored softness witnessing and commenting on 3 people and then in pairs on each other. Line dance natural walk to soft to faster to slow neutral…

Anyway, anthopologie and Andrea, Sophia… los otros los estudiantes de Guillermo, Lemu, otres yo soy preparer at apprendire espanol and also to make my best work – space eater….

Last moments in Buenos Aires. On the plane in wide and comfortable seat next to Kan. Completo

Anyway, thoughts as they come… there are so many. Lemu I so deeply appreciate and Nora and Miur yes Miur. Of Course Nube tambien, mas esta interessante que a premiero du voyage gusto solamente el mas no gusta el a hora… There is love but some resistance the fighting spirit the abruptness, the apparent lack of evolution, respect… but it is all relative. So many people are so much more generally conscious I find in Latin America… about democracy, about ancient cultures, about how to be with people, time, space. How to absorb, keep siga siga… but that is Greece connection but different – Argentinians are fighters. The government now is splitting up the monopolies of the medias, making it necessary to support, allow independent media in each country to be there. No hiding etc like in U.S. Government is finally separate from the media. Also they have had two female presidents, Evita and the one they have now - ??

The first became in love with Peron the president and then they got married and then he died and then she became the president and made the woman have the vote. Around 1940 –45. Evita was an actress before she was a President and she was always interested in Social Justice. (By the way, Jim in the coffee shop told me about the social doctrine of Christianity…)

I also learned a lot about revolutions. Argentine people have been through very very challenging tiempos. Muchos dictators… This year, 2010, was their bicentennial (9th of July) when they got their independence from Spain. I was very impressed by the reality of the improvisers, especially Rajsid and Hugo when Kan said, No more patience. They went there deeply. Nube reads very well. I loved his mom. I was very impressed by the virgins in her home. I needed the Christianity. I feel I am a sister of a virgin mother. I saw

Miracle worker miracle worker your mind is a vessel for peace. The time is now the time is now. Miracle worker moto. We have to work it out all the ignorance and stupidity. We are more, humanity. We are one of the world globe. We are not better but one. Everyone is perfect and unique. There is no one just like you. Just like everyone else. We share the same desire for a perfect love. Love must bring us up. We fight and we fight because we’re really scared. But sacrifice wins the way. Pray for tomorrow, pray for today. Live your dreams and dream your life. Matrix of existence in the day we live and Life alone is All in all. The rest is illusion. Matter is a practice. Matter and spirit are one. But the key is Spirit and we must persist. Revenge never wins. Only speak when the words may help. Resist the temptation to cry. When someone hurts you learn to love them. Thank them for the fight. There is no other way to rise to the peak of your humanity than to learn to love in every breath. To learn to act from this. In the garbage you have found your fight; you do not need to worry. Let your mind become clear and learn to find peace. Learn to live in harmony. Listen to the joker open up the secrets every moment there is Voice . Through you comes the vessel of soul. Learn to live for right. What can I do? What can I do? Be courage be free be clear. Be harmony; be rebellion be noble and right. Learn to live in peace. First we learn to survive then we learn to communicate then we learn how not to fight. The artsists need the way to live their work live it every day. There’s a lot to be done, so very much. The fastest way out of the hurry is through art, ever so much more than politics. But we must do the work We must have patience We must learn to wake up. Every life is precious.. See their charkas A refection of your health in all… Be prepared to die Be responsible Be ready to put up the fight. The only person you must answer to is your God. Listen for the right. Every moment you must watch.

Brillia, Porto Alegro. Rio de Janeiro Rio Branca. Culaba La Paz. Equiz Equador there’s a lot of studying a lot to set right. Set your mind right and you can win Set your body straight with discipline. 120 sit ups per day. Strength and stretching training. New rhythms, work with others. ABC. Natural walk Mudra practice. 1 millimeter per second. Clear the mind. Breath like the sunset and sunrise. 1 step 20 seconds 1 breath 20 seconds, 23 is possible, feel each moment don’t skip it. Education. Art. Start with prayer. Relax and enjoy each other. Joy in service. Organzize. Keep clear. Remember the ancestors. Learn about them the old ones and the ones more near Grandfather Reese Grandmother Reese. GrandfatherHomer and Grandmother Yi… the generation before… the missionary work… how did they get to Arizona and Texas what were they looking for ?

Apply for your grants Anthropology the continents Spell out your dream Balance the energy through art. Massive movement shift in education. Energy toward art, out of business into progress. Meditiation education on unifying and acceptance learning to study spirit, how to love each other, ourselves. Be honest to what we forget because it is not stored in the daily life habit mind… Comfort numbs us. Give up what you do not need. Realize you are one. Be fresh. Listen. Be in tune with the silence, what motivates

I told Emilio my personal dream is to dance with masses, see and communicate to them clearly their perfection, God’s perfection and send massive waves of healing… I do not want to be a rock star. I just want to dance the most beyond beautiful dance, be effective, change the world a divinely natural way. I wish to see the chakra points clearly all around the world, to make the work of connection, clarification. Escuchar Claridad Direction. I learn a lot. I can teach too. I want to do regular work – picking up trash, leaning to cook, making an immaculate house, holding myself with dignity. Demonstrating dominion over matter, error, ignorance. Holding my place of light.

No longer bound to one place. I officially declare my new seed self as a true world citizen. As such I have great responsibility to maintain awareness, to serve my local community, to make sacrifices, to take care of myself so that I may take care of others. Illusions of want, need, unworthiness, guilt, shame, non direction are no longer part of my consciousness. I declare myself free and commited to the responsible ever-expansion of this. Listening deeply. ‘Empty like the Zen Garden that moves you. Moved by the force of nature.

The work begins in Argentina. Latin America. I need to learn Spanish and Website development. I need to build up my workshop materials and plan. I need a business plan. I need to get money. Azucar Acida. Unify forces. Hold my place. Become a warrior of the mind. I am not lulled by stupefying illusions. I am conscious, confident, enabling, good, innocent, intelligent, soulful, deep, important, wise, wonderful, beautiful, pure, free, blessed, blessing. I seek the highest blessing – to bless others. Giving, I receive. Receiving, I give. And when I am lost, there is always a way back Rio Branco. Andes. Lima. Uruguay. Eastern Europe. Spain. Seattle, Beijing, Tibet, Indonesia.

There is an exact, precise, beautiful plan for me. I am spirit. Sister of saints. Human and crying for humanity . I am ironic and funny, fun and deep. I can raise consciousness. I know how to communicate and when . I am blessed with an amazing inner clock. I am good. My family loves me and I love them . I will learn where I come from Durango with new eyes Practice and make peace with my birth with my life with my mission with my father and my brother. I need not hide. I need practice. I need share. I will not go to the countryside, unless that is where I am led≥. I long only to do what I am led to do.

I pay atenthiont o where I am flat. Rasjid the Uruguay prison project. Rehabilitating prisoners – mothers and their children, new ways to be … not listening to the old ways, shedding them for only right ways have a place. The world is watched over by Pacha Mama.



Saturday, August 7, 2010

Greece was lovely, a bit primitive (no toilet paper down toilet for example) but still totally in the modern western world (cars, air conditioning, loud radio music, cell phones etc), more relaxed (not as many health regulations, for example, as the U.S. – you can use your plate again at the buffet), a bit random (they may or may not clean your dishes in the hotel), quite loud (people like talking, in sortof warmer Italian mafia flavor) and quite opulent in eating (a sandwich plate that might serve 5 in Japan, 2 or 3 in the U.S. serves 1 in Greece; when you order for a group, there is always at least 1/3 too much and the helpings are necessarily generous, in quantity and in fat content.) Safety concerns due to much-televised strikes turned out to be a non-issue, and the Grecians laughed in surprise when I explained my initial concerns. Surprising on a different level was the Greek alphabet. Letters previously seen only in mathematics textbooks and fraternities/sororities abounded on street signs, menus, fliers. Omega sounds like “O;” theta like “th” and when you see a P, you should pronounce it “rrr”. Greek people are very loving; I found the dancers quite huggable and kissable, their patience and kindness ever-palpable.

The performance was interesting, new because never before on this island had something so different occurred. The classics, so deeply rooted, had litte connection to the flowing beauty and naturalness of butoh and Kan’s choreography. Still, the precision I would hope for from the whole and, most importantly, from myself, was lacking. Ironically, though I had the most experience and the most confidence, I most significantly deviated from the choreography, lost my mind in being put-upon with having to be the cue-bearer rather than the dancer. I did not know the material well enough; I let the people and the situation annoy me; I relied on myself rather than my God.

Greece was very nice, but I must admit I am delighted to be in the modern, gentle ambience of the Berlin airport. The muted red, black, gray, tan and off-white colors and the quiet, gentle tone pleases my soul very much. For the first time, I have a hint of what it means to be German… When the smartly cut blond, blue-eyed young red-belted stuart gracefully showed us how to use the safetly equipment in the plane, I caught a bit of what Hitler might have been thinking when he claimed the Arian man to be the epitome of beauty… falling in love with the artistry of his very being.

Still, the memory of the communist olive farm theatre, Avriokos, where we spent most of our evenings together, eating rich food and clinking our glasses together cheering, “Yamas!!”as well as some of us doing the voicing workshops with sincere, somehow Northwest “U.S.-ly” familiar Niskria, lingers like a rare dream, preserved place of the past, previously only tangentally imagined from Russian plays read in drama school sings sweetly, if semi-dustily, in my heart. I remember sweet dances and conversations with new-old Greek dancer friends, Eva and Eva, Philipos, Effy, Antonias, Theopholos along with profound connection with world-traveler, Kyoto-born, now New York residing Azumi.
A mature 27, a gifted dancer of only two years, synchronized deeply in her own spirit and in revolution. The process she and I had, learning each other, sharing our butoh east and west-coast stories, personal philosophies, and finally trying to develop a piece together… the challenge of melding different processes… my frustration with the continual discussion, her frustration with my jumping and naming, perhaps to quickly the next step. Butoh, I am discovering, can be a deeply intellectual activity, each minute painstakingly eeked out from hours of study, development, and/or conversation. I find myself wondering if I could do this work with such intricate detail, on my own. The discipline is profound! And then, outside of the creative process there are the ever-looming financial considerations...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Finally found internet after a week and a half on island of Zakynthos, near Ionian sea.... It's lovely here, really... reminds me of Mexico in quality of architecture and Italy in intonation of speaking, musical flavor... So much to say but am tired and it's very late (we have workshop early in morning then more work in preparation for performance in two days - ), but let me just say it's amazing being here, working with "Mr. Kan" as they call him here, Azumi from Kyoto/NYC and all the other lovely workshop participants from Greece. Wow, what a place, what culture! Dance is deep and amazing, linking so much. I am grateful, deeply grateful, and growing. Love...

Monday, July 12, 2010

It gave me great pleasure to announce to my community my unanticipated, imminent world tour with butoh master Katsura Kan. Â His humbling and exciting invitation resulted in my decision to resign from my day job to follow and work with Kan for the next 6 months. Â Briefly, the tour starts in Greece July 14, goes to Sweden, bounces to L.A. and then Buenos Aires before a Boulder butoh festival and film project, back to Seattle in October for DAIPAN'S presentation of work and then on to any or all of the following countries in

Detailed information about the Greece and L.A. components of the trip are below.

Also, FRIDAY, JULY 9, all were invited to an informal evening of Butoh performances by local butoh mama Joan Laage, me, and special guests from Brazil's Teatro Ritual. Donations at this event went to my upcoming Butoh adventure overseas.

If you couldn't make it to this performance evening but would still like to donate toward my travel expenses, please make your tax-deductible checks payable to Shunpike (2324 1st Avenue; Seattle, WA 98121 (206) 905-1026, contact: Ellen Whitlock-Baker) with a note, "Sheri Brown Butoh World Tour"; they will make sure you get the proper receipt for your tax purposes. Your donation would ensure I could afford participation in the the full tour, also enabling me to give back to to the community by sharing workshops and/or performances based on what I learn in Seattle and other communities when I return. Any amount, really, would help; if you can afford it, I would be ever-so-appreciative.

Whether or not you can donate much or any at all, however, you are sincerely appreciated as a part of my cherished world community network.

Peace and good will, power to the people, art, nature, progress, and so on:)-

Sheri Brown

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Initial Posting

Initial Posting to my butoh world tour with butoh master Katsura Kan. Currently in home town, Durango, Colorado, USA; will head to home in Seattle, Washington, USA; then to Greece, Sweden, L.A., and Buenos Aires (July, August). Then to Seattle, Boulder, Durango (September, October). Then to China, Tibet, Nepal, Indonesia, and/or India (October, December).

Outcome? Adventure, discovery, growth. Something real to share and develop. Hopefully, the initial seeds of a settling down in fruitful partnership and further community enhancement too. Pioneer Square a hub of international weaving of a butoh web.

Healing, transformation, expansion.